Finally, a Webinar Platform Built For Enterprise Marketers

Our webinar platform is your best option to generate more leads, engage the funnel, and move more prospects through the sales cycle.

Are Your Webinars Truly Engaging Your Audience?

Leverage webinar engagement in your lead scoring and nurturing process

Don’t miss an opportunity to tap into your highest qualified leads. Webinars have become a primary marketing tool to help drive the buying cycle and engagement is the number one indicator to gauge audience interest and sales readiness.

To better understand viewers engagement, we added an engagement score to our webinar analytics dashboard that can be used for lead scoring so you can start the nurturing process.


Take The Guess Work Out Of Lead Scoring

The Engagement Score is a number that is used to measure attendees’ participation, interactivity, and use of webcast features. With a maximum score of 10, the engagement score algorithm includes the following factors:

  • length of time watching the webcast
  • number of questions asked
  • number of polls answered
  • number of complementary resources viewed
  • number of widgets opened on the console
  • completion of the webcast survey

The higher the score, the more engaged a viewer was during the webinar and the more likely the viewer is a high-qualified lead.

Measure Engagement To Assess Interest

One of the main reasons that webinars successfully influence prospects in the buying cycle is their ability to capture the attention of viewers for significant periods of time.

Viewers – on average – spend 56 minutes in an interactive webcast. Combining webinar duration with the ability to assess each viewer’s engagement and interest level in the webinar content provides a solid indicator of lead quality.

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Are Your Webinars Putting Your Audience To Sleep?

Keep your audience engaged and discover actionable steps to improve your webinar with our Webinar Report Card

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Evaluate Viewer Engagement On A 10-Point Scale

The ELITE Engagement Score is a single number used to measure attendees’ participation, interactivity, and use of webcast features.

The Engagement Score’s algorithm weighs the points based on their impact on viewer interest. Some of the factors allowing us to accurately score your lead include: webcast duration and the number of questions answered, widgets opened, polls submitted, surveys completed, and resources viewed.

Enhance Your Lead Scoring & Nurturing Process  

Each viewer is assigned an engagement score, which is available in the ELITE webcast reports. This provides a key factor that can be used for determining lead quality. When a prospect’s engagement score exceeds a pre-specified number (decided by marketing), the associated lead score is increased to reflect him/her being a higher-quality lead.


Integrate With CRM & Marketing Automation Platforms


With the ELITE Integration Service, each viewer’s profile and engagement score can be passed to your CRM or marketing automation system and leveraged in your lead scoring and nurturing process. Supported platforms include: Salesforce, Microsoft CRM, NetSuite, Eloqua, Marketo, Silverpop, Exact Target, and HubSpot.

Webinars Drive The Buying Cycle


Webinars That Drive Awareness

Set your company apart. Establish your authority and expertise by making it easy for your audience to connect with the premium content they are looking for.

Communication with your audience around the world is easy with webinar solutions. Our customizable webinars showcase your brand and the interactive features highlight your product or service.

Engage Your Prospects

Our webinar platform was built with your marketing efforts front and centre.

With extensive tracking and measurement of your webinar audience engagement, you can easily determine your most promising prospects, and use that content to engage interest after the event.

How Simulive Webinars Can Scale Your Marketing Performance
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Nurture and Convert Leads

Unlock the full potential of your webinar content program.

Not only will you set yourself apart from the competition by implementing a consistent Webinar program, our webinars make it easy to use your content to nurture leads through the sales cycle.

Features like live screen sharing and integrated video make it easy to deliver bottom-of-the-funnel webinars to qualified leads.

Upsell & Cross-Sell to Existing Clients

Now more than ever, it is important to keep customers
engaged with the brand beyond just a purchase.

Keep your customers loyal to your brand with continued
webinars for customer training, product updates, and more.

With interactive widgets such as social media tools, polling, and surveys,
every webinar becomes an opportunity to learn more about your customers’ needs.

Upsell To Clients

Expand Your Audience with Syndication

It worked for your favourite sitcoms as a kid and it will work for your webinar program as well! With ELITE On-Demand you can easily publish your webinars or clips to our Multimedia Portal with full analytics and tracking on all viewers. Looking to get your message out to the masses? Easily take clips from your webinars and publish them directly to your social media accounts.



The Webinar Survival Guide

21 Free Tools to Accelerate your Webinar Program


The Webinar Report Card

Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of your Webinar

© 2020 - The Streaming Network Webinar Software and Virtual Training Products. A Wish Collaboration company.