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Last time, on “Lessons From The Front Line”, we discussed how to repurpose your webinar content by using different methods such as On-Demand and Simulive webinars.
In this episode, we continue our conversation on leveraging Simulive webinars. We will explore using different tools for this type of webinar style. This technique is great to 4x your webinar marketing performance. All while growing your leads and hitting your Market Qualified Lead (MQL) goals. Even while you’re on vacation.
An example of Simulive events that we touch on are the “Shark Week” style webinar summits. Tune in to learn how to exceed your MQL quota this summer.
For this episode, we are discussing the following topics:
- How do you get around summer-time roadblocks? Using Simulive webinars will allow you to grow your lead-base (hitting your MQL goals) while your team and your guest speakers take their vacation time.
- What content do you repurpose and how do you organize it? Was there a webinar series that you know should have done better? This might be the time to repurpose it.
- How do we, at The Streaming Network, put our advice into action? We’re creating our own Simulive webinar events and summits this summer, keep watching to learn more.
- Plus, we’re walking you through some other great strategies. Both on-demand and Simulive webinar events are going to be an asset this summer. So how do you put it into action?
The Complete Transcript On Simulive Webinars
Peter Vamos: Welcome to LFTF, the podcast about turning your webinars and virtual events into lead generating machines and advancing your business objectives. With me as usual, Matthew Ley, the president of The Streaming Network.
Matthew Ley: Thanks for having me, Pete, on this Friday before a long weekend when the weather is beautiful and we expect rain. And instead, I am here with you recording–.
Peter Vamos: –Here we are–.
Matthew Ley: –Two months of content in–.
Peter Vamos: –The shine is–.
Matthew Ley: –One day–.
Peter Vamos: –Not the sun coming in on our faces here.
Matthew Ley: No. No.
Peter Vamos: It is studio lighting. But it is the beginning of the summer.
Matthew Ley: It is.
Peter Vamos: And if you’re watching this on demand, perhaps it’s not where you are, people in the future. But this is summertime here in Toronto, Canada.
Matthew Ley: That’s right.
Peter Vamos: And what we wanted to talk about is using simulated-live webinars and driving MQL–driving your MQL goals through the summer.
Matthew Ley: That’s right.
Peter Vamos: Now, this is something that’s near and dear to your heart.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: This is a subject you wanted to talk about. So, why don’t we–what do you–like, what do we–why do we want to talk about this today? Why is this important?
Matthew Ley: All right. Well, simulated live is–been talked about on the show and in emails I–you receive. And, you know, we had a client this morning doing a tour. And we talked a lot about it as a tactic to handle presenter nerves, to handle things like can’t get people in at the right time so you want to record so you can simulate it live, or making the best use out of a day in the studio, where you can record two or three and get a good ROI.
But we’ve also talked, I hope you remember, here about–.
Peter Vamos: –Yes–.
Matthew Ley: –About how simulated live is great for helping you get your ROI targets or your lead targets within your webinar program.
Peter Vamos: Yes.
Matthew Ley: Do you remember?
Peter Vamos: I do remember, of course.
Matthew Ley: Right.
So, generally speaking, when–you know, when people ask how do I get more ROI on my webinar program, I say webinar more, do more webinars, but you don’t have to always do new content. You can use old content and utilize the simulated live methodology.
Peter Vamos: Right, which is the key to this whole thing is–and that’s when we talked about doing the Shark Week of webinars.
Matthew Ley: That’s right.
Peter Vamos: Yes.
Matthew Ley: Right. So, people are listening or they come up with it on their own, or–it was never my idea to begin with. I don’t remember.
And so, many of the customers and the prospects that we’re speaking to are saying this is something that they are either doing or want to do. And some of them are struggling on the how to get it done.
And so, as summer is a time that we generally look back at how our businesses are doing and, in marketing departments, where we’re at as far as our targets and our goals are for MQLs or leads, it’s a really good time to think about utilizing that Shark Week Summit, repurposing simu-live as a way of getting yourself ready for the next buying season, which generally occurs when everyone is back from vacation in the fall.
Peter Vamos: Right. And the idea being to get more people out watching your webinars, engaged in your webinars–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah–.
Peter Vamos: –More often. And it’s–so, what are some of ways? You want to get more people involved, but it’s summertime.
Matthew Ley: That’s right. Well, I–so, summertime proposes its own set of problems. It’s that you got your own vacations. Your speakers, your thought leaders and those people have theirs. So, it’s a tougher time to create a lot of new content.
But at the same time, there’s a whole bunch of people in our target audience who are sitting in offices that have less humans there and have less sort of initiatives on their plate. And so, they may want to spend a Friday morning or afternoon or a couple–extra time watching a webinar.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: So, it’s a good time to broadcast webinars, although it’s hard to get a lot of new content going, which is why we are proposing in this podcast the idea we talked about a couple sessions go about this idea of doing summits or repurposing your content to get people out. But I want to dive into exactly how to do that with some programs that we’ve got plans for ourselves this summer and for the next couple months.
Peter Vamos: Excellent. Okay. So, you’ve got people. They’ve got some free time on their hands.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: They want to engage. They still want to do professional development. Summer, actually, is a really good time to do that sort of stuff.
Matthew Ley: It is, yeah.
Peter Vamos: Okay. Well, so how do we start?
Matthew Ley: Okay. So, where we want to start is you want to start with basically taking stock of what you got. So, you got six months under your belt. For us, I’m basically taking stock of this show.
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: So, we’ve got six months, which would mean at least 12 podcasts or videos that we’ve done, 12 sessions. And you want to look at in your–if they’re delivered over webinar, you have data sets on them. You want to look at what performed the best. Like, what is the content that, when you put out there–maybe you knew it going into it ’cause it was your economic update or your–you know, your big sort of thought leadership event, but you want to put it in there and see what works best.
And then second, I would usually look at which webinars or videos or series or things that you did that you think you got unlucky. It was a great program. You thought it was awesome. Anyone who heard it thought it was awesome. But for some reason, it just didn’t get people out. You didn’t get the registrants or you didn’t get the viewers so you have a low performance or a low on-demand performance–.
Peter Vamos: –Right–.
Matthew Ley: –And try and give those ones another shot.
Peter Vamos: So, you run them simulated live. But how is this different? Like, I–I’m not understanding like what–.
Matthew Ley: –Just wait, okay? So, you’re right. Eventually we’re going to run these simulated live–.
Peter Vamos: –Yeah–.
Matthew Ley: –Right? But other things that you want to do is you want to take those webinars or that content and you want to group them into topics or–with similarities, right?
So, in our case, we did a bunch of stuff on how marketers can drive more ROI, like this piece right here, stuff on engagement tools, reporting, analytics, what you should focus on. We spent a fair amount of time this year talking about the craft of being a webinar producer, so whether it be the–how to be a good moderator or how to put together a show format that’s going to work for your audience, things like that.
And we also got into–we always mix it in, a little bit on the old-fashioned virtual event, webcast, hybrid event planning, inspiration and that sort of thing. So, I’ve got sort of three main topics that I can lump most of my stuff into, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Peter Vamos: Right. I think I understand where you’re going. I think I’m getting it.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: I’m grasping the nuances.
Matthew Ley: And as you were–.
Peter Vamos: –Yeah. Okay.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: So, keep going.
Matthew Ley: All right. So, that basically get you to your–to the idea that you can now group these together and they become more valuable.
So, when I offer up–you know, the promise of this piece right here, whether it be a podcast, a video, or a webinar, is how to hit your MQL goals by summer. But to your point, what if someone’s coming to this in October?
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: Did they miss the boat? So, what we do is we look to group these assets together, find other assets that can go with them to add value. So, how do we find those other assets?
So, what I did was I looked at partners who I know share content with me well and easily. So, I’ve got– has done a couple good pieces in the past six months that were part of this that fit into these three categories. I’ve got a reciprocal relationship with Demand Metric, and they did a piece that I really liked that fits in well. And then I’ve got–our agency did their own thing on a YouTube live or a Facebook live stream that was really good for part of this as well.
And I look at my non-webinar assets like my e-books and my calculators and anything else that we’ve got that sort of fits into these various categories. So, at this point, I’ve created nothing new, but I’ve got a whole bunch of content that is relatable to one another that I can now promote and say, rather than coming and watching this one webinar and learning this, sign up for this summit or whatever it might be and you will get X, Y, and Z–.
Peter Vamos: –Right–.
Matthew Ley: –Stuff from different sources, different types of content. You’re going to get eight assets that will help you reach your ROI goals, or eight assets that’ll help you be a better virtual event planner or whatever the topic might be.
Peter Vamos: Right. So, your reach out to all your providers.
Matthew Ley: Um-hmm.
Peter Vamos: And you–you’re bringing–now, you’re not bringing them together again. They–this is all–.
Matthew Ley: –Oh, no. I’m just asking them, you know, can I–and with , I’m like, “Can I just use this webinar?” And they’re like, “Yeah,” so we copy it. Demand Metric, they’re on the platform too, same thing. Get the video file from the agency and get permission to sort of release it, because eventually what we’re going to do is we’re going to release these either on-demand together or simulated live in our summit.
So, they’re not even going to be a part of it either. They’re not going to be there that day.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: No one is. In fact, I think I talk about it later, one of the tentative dates that we were playing around with I’m on vacation, so I’m not even going to be around.
Peter Vamos: Got you. I got you.
Matthew Ley: Okay.
Peter Vamos: So, everyone says yes?
Matthew Ley: Yes.
Peter Vamos: They all–everyone’s in.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: They all get the–your pitch to them.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
And so, I’ve got them all together. And at the same time, what I’m doing and what I have to do is I have to start segmenting my audience on who I’m going to event–invite to these, and figure out how I’m going to manage a promotional schedule over three months that is going to make the best use of this.
So, segmentation means you don’t want to be inviting the same people to the same webinar or podcast, video they already saw. So, you want to make sure that you’re segmenting properly so you’re focusing your attention on the right group of people. Those who are interested in the virtual event planning and inspiration there are a slightly different audience than the webinar craft, and it’s–and definitely a different audience than the leads or the ROI group. So, I try and do the best I can in segmenting those groups so that, when we start promoting it, we can target the right folks.
Peter Vamos: Right. Right.
Matthew Ley: So, getting that data side and knowing, you know, who is the audience, who is the demographic that you’re focusing is the next step in all this before you can even get moving.
Peter Vamos: Right. And is that considered a challenge? Is that too hard in some instances?
Matthew Ley: In some instances, it unfortunately is too hard.
Peter Vamos: Yeah.
Matthew Ley: And I’ll say that, even for us, we’re not the most data tight organization out there. We have a lot of feeding data sources that come in from the leads and information production, so we–so, for us, it’s not the easiest thing either. And for a lot of our customers, this is where it falls down.
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: A fear of over saturating their list, a fear that they already offered to this kind of stuff and they don’t want to send it out to the same people again, so there is a concern about that.
And it’s okay. You know, there are ways of handling it. I saw a customer do this which played really well, which was just to be completely transparent. It’s halfway through the year. We’ve done a ton of stuff on the craft of webinars. You may have caught our podcast, or this series or that series. If you didn’t, come to this webinar series. It’s going to have these points on it. It may be important for you.
That way, even if they were invited or already heard it, they can decide not to come and you’re not–you know, it’s not a big deal. There’s no lunch bag letdown. You’ve got–always got new blood in your list, so you’re going to hit people who weren’t around when we did it the first time and–or people who just forgot about it and never attended it. So, it’s being transparent and honest.
And if you really can’t segment your list, you know, you may not want to do three things like I’m doing. Maybe do two, but give the audience a choice. We have these two summits coming up. One’s on this and one’s on that, track A, track B, register now for each one that you want.
Peter Vamos: You may not have seen this one.
Matthew Ley: Whatever’s important.
Peter Vamos: You saw this one.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: You have lead-ins and things like that.
Matthew Ley: We’re sort of bringing them together, because in our case, and I’m sure in our customers cases, these might be two different summits or three different summits depending on what you’re looking at.
And we have a third strategy that we’re going to discuss that–but what–they’re all targeted at people who would use our product or service. So, there is crossover, and it’s fine. Just like a conference that has different tracks, you know, we’re going to offer different tracks and people can opt into the one they want.
Peter Vamos: Got you. Okay.
So, let’s talk a little bit about the craft then.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: Like, this–like anything, creating something like this requires a certain approach–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah–.
Peter Vamos: –A certain creativity.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: So, let’s–.
Matthew Ley: –Well, I don’t know how much creativity. Hopefully, the content stands on its own. But I think, you know–.
Peter Vamos: –But there is a craft to it.
Matthew Ley: Well, there’s a craft. There’s a few simple things that you’re going to want to do.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: Right. So, if you’re going to give people a value of 10 assets or 20 assets, four webinars or one or whatever it is, then you’re going to want them to opt in through one place, right, so creating a landing page.
We use Unbounce, a great Canadian company out of Vancouver; cost-effective, ties into our platform quite easily. And we’re going to allow people to register for the craft of webinars or the virtual event planning one through two different Unbounce pages.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: So, they will see on that page all the various assets that they’re going to get, the fact that we’ll send them the recordings, the fact that it’ll be available on demand, the fact they’ll get these e-books and all of that fun stuff.
And we’re going to let them register once for this Friday in July where the–or August where they’re going to be able to attend and view it all or get the on-demand afterwards. That link will also house all the on-demand recordings afterwards as well so anyone who didn’t show up can come back.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: So–and make it easy for them. Push to that date. And we’re going to clear our general promotional schedules for both months around that. That’ll be the only two things that we’re doing. So, we’re going to make them the focus.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: And by making them the focus, it’s going to allow us to employ other strategies that don’t mess with other things we might have going on.
So, one strategy is we’re going to put a link in our customer service response signatures, client services, CSMs and all that, so they’re also pushing people towards it. Really, sales will be able to do it as well in their–sort of their leave-behinds in their summer prospecting. And in our standard emails that go out to either our user group or our Friday email where people learn about this podcast, we’re going to invite people in there as well.
So, it’ll be a call to action that goes for the entirety of a month before we switch over to the second call to action that we will be promoting for the next month.
Peter Vamos: Right. And it doesn’t even necessarily have to be video. It could just be audio, whatever the–.
Matthew Ley: –The format doesn’t matter. It’s whatever you’re doing today–.
Peter Vamos: –Yeah–.
Matthew Ley: –Whatever you’re doing–.
Peter Vamos: –Whatever you’re doing–.
Matthew Ley: –Right now, yeah.
Peter Vamos: Good.
So, let’s talk about ROI.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: Obviously, it’s–that’s the thing, right? That’s what these things are always driving towards. What’s the ROI?
Matthew Ley: Well, I–.
Peter Vamos: –Where is our focus on that?
Matthew Ley: Our–yeah, I mean, our focus for our own ROI, not our ROI series, but our focus on it for our own ROI is what everyone wants, is to get more out of less, right? So, there’s some work that needs to be done here. But the amount of work to do what we’re talking about versus the amount of work of putting on a live summit in the summer is completely different.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: So, we got a landing page, which most of you already have templates for. It’s just about filling in the content. You’ve got to take–make the work, the plan. What’s the stuff that you’re going to use?
We actually have a planned to do two simulated live days and then one just aggregation of content. So, we’re going to be introducing a new way of accessing our content on our website. Something that we’re playing around with is like this webinar master class series. So, a bunch of the content that’s relative to that are our webinar–sort of getting return on investment stuff is going to go there as the reason to sign up for the master class.
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: And that’s all on demand. We’re not going to do anything live about that. That’s going to be Evergreen. It’s just going to kind of be always running for us. But the big call to action is we’re launching this master class series. Come on in and you’ll get access to all the stuff. Sign up, and, you know, this summer we’re launching these eight things that you can–that are the big driver to go into it.
But in every case, what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to take all of this content that we did all year long, the best of it, the stuff that we want to highlight, and get as many people as possible to consume it.
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: So, where a lot of the podcast content we release for free on podcast networks, on our blog, on YouTube, as we put it into a webinar format, which we often do, and make it a part of the summit, we’re able to track everyone who watches them whether live or on-demand completely, value of the platform, and get that information into our CRM so we can take people into that MQL status, which is what we’re looking for, are to move people through the process and get them consuming our content in the summer, tracking it so that we’ve got a nice pipeline for the fall.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: Right.
So, basically, the–our general strategy has been three programs throughout the summer only. All three programs are going to be aggregated content. Two will be live summits and one will be this just collection of on-demand assets that’s going into this new program called the master class series. And from there, it’s going to be about promoting it through email, like we said, with a segmented list, but also this is where we’re going to put our ad buys towards. They’re going to be to each of these–.
Peter Vamos: –Right–.
Matthew Ley: –Segments so we can get new blood in and give people consuming, and making sure we’re in a position–which we are because it’s on the webinar tool and not on social media or on the podcast network. We’re going to be able to track who’s watched what, how long, and who is the most engaged so that we can ensure that they are sort of that MQL.
Peter Vamos: So, the summertime, obviously, there’s–it has its own unique challenges in terms of promotion–.
Matthew Ley: –Um-hmm–.
Peter Vamos: –In terms of driving traffic. I know you talk about, you know, getting ad buys out there. But is there–is–are there things to do to track people? Is there a different way of doing it?
Matthew Ley: Maybe, but we’re, like most people on this, also strapped with limited budgets, right?
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: So, we’re going to get what is the most ROI. Most people register for these things still from an email.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: And although ad buying, we’ve seen success in certain targeted, like, look-alike audiences through LinkedIn and the like, we are going to supplement it with that. But the main way that we’re going to get people through this is going to be people that we sort of invite ourselves, or people that we reach out to and get into it to see the great content that we believe we’ve produced over the last six months.
Are there other ways that I’ve seen effective? Truly, yes, there is. You know, there’s–I’ve been given personal invites in the mail to attend these things, I’ve been called and personally invited, if you have cycles to do those things. But I think that’s another webinar on how to get people–.
Peter Vamos: –Yeah–.
Matthew Ley: –Out through the non-conventional.
The key here is it can be–it is–what I want to get across is, you know, once you’ve pulled your content together in such a way and you have–know what segments you’re going after, that you can quite easily reuse your content in a new way. And that new way is simply by lumping it together with other valuable content.
Peter Vamos: Got you. Okay.
One of the things we want to talk about is this is hard for some people–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah–.
Peter Vamos: –The difficulty. Like, one of the challenges in terms of pulling this together?
Matthew Ley: Yeah. So, I think we’ve already talked about one challenge, which is the data, because if you want to email people you’ve got that fear.
Peter Vamos: Yeah.
Matthew Ley: And then the other one which is, I think if you’re less prolific than we are with–so we–we’re in a fairly unique situation where we’re highly prolific in our content creation. But we–and we have a lot of new data sources of sort of–I call them a webinar–people who are learning the webinar craft but aren’t maybe ready to buy or anything like that. And so, we know that there is a high volume of people in our databases that have not seen the content that we’ve presented this year. It’s simple.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: Maybe it’s our relationship with them. I don’t know. We’re kind of unique in that.
So, for people who weren’t as prolific as us but are–so, they’re more worried about the fact that they’ve promoted this all to this database. The database has very limited movement in it. They’re not sure about the ad buying side of it, so they think this is a lot of work for nothing and they’re just going to be sending the same stuff to the same people. That’s the concern that I think–.
Peter Vamos: –Right–.
Matthew Ley: –That will make some people here say it’s going to be too hard for me to make sure I don’t piss off people on my list and get that awful opt out that I don’t want to do. It’s going to be counterintuitive for me.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: And to them I say you might be overthinking it, but you might not.
And so, one strategy that I’ve put forward, and we’re going to have to do it in one of our series just based around the way the content played out, is by you your self or somebody on your team producing another piece of content–but wait, before you get–I said there wasn’t going to be a lot of new content produced. But just taking webinars’ content maybe from–that you’ve recorded at maybe one of your conferences. You might have some of that that hasn’t been used. Maybe you get some of this third-party content in, and then having someone record a webinar or webinars where you throw to the content the way that a news anchor throws to prerecorded segments that happened earlier that day.
And this doesn’t have to be done in a studio or anything like that. This could be done over audio where you simply say, okay, today we’re talking about, I don’t know, the craft of webinars. And in the craft of webinars, you know, I’m going to start off with, you know, how to be a great moderator. It’s an important subject and we’re going to start with 15 minutes from a podcast that was released earlier this year where Matt goes through how he becomes an moderator. So, let’s go to that and then we’ll take your questions and do whatever.
And then you push that video as a slide, or there’s many ways different platforms do it. But then you go to–that becomes the basis of that webinar, and then it comes back and you get sort of questions answered or whatever, and move on to the next topic.
So, you’re using the video or the former webinar or the content that you’ve produce in those webinars, that you’ve gotten from different sources, and you create an agenda of maybe two hours where you are pushing out these things, you know, snippets from these things. So, it would be framed differently even for the same audience.
Hopefully, it’s a more complete thought for them too, and allows you to offer up a new and unique piece of content to everyone. That’s for the people who are afraid that, you know, they’ve saturated their audience and–.
Peter Vamos: –Right–.
Matthew Ley: –They’re not going to show up to–.
Peter Vamos: –Right–.
Matthew Ley: –The same webinar, or be mad if they show up to the same webinar they already have.
Peter Vamos: So, it’s interesting, because it ultimately–I mean, you’re planning your marketing around 12 months of the year. This is a great strategy for what to do in the summer. You know it’s coming around. You can be planning. You don’t even have to necessarily be shooting new stuff in the summer because it you know it’s coming, so you just–whenever you’re set up–.
Matthew Ley: –That’s right–.
Peter Vamos: –Doing another webinar, do that summer piece–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah–.
Peter Vamos: –Right? Do that piece and we’re going to insert it in something because no one’s going to be around and we can just kind of–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah–.
Peter Vamos: –Piece it all together.
Matthew Ley: Yeah. And I think–like, you know, this is something that we’ve been planning kind of all year. And the way that we plan–.
Peter Vamos: –Yeah–.
Matthew Ley: –Which is I’m sure the way–like a lot of people plan, right? Reactive, we change, you know, whatever. We’ve kind of been planning this all year and talking about it but sort of hadn’t gotten around to it. And the impetus for making it happen was the same thing that everyone else has.
You know, we don’t have the MQL lead flow that we want right now. We were–we’ve been investigating and looking at different ways that we want to make that happen. This was one that was on the roadmap and needed to be done.
And we–in our content strategy, it may be a little bit easier for us than those who are coming at it as a brand-new idea. We did have things kind of lumped already. It was going to be–it was easy to pick out which ones are this, which ones are that, and which ones are flyers like our not-for-profit or our legal webinars, podcasts that have nothing to do with what we’re talking about here. So, it–this was an easier strategy for me in pulling together what assets that I wanted or needed.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: So, it’s a–it’s something that I’m hearing my own prospects now that we’re coming to first telling me they’re doing. It’s something that I have seen work well. I’ve signed up for these. And so, it’s a strategy that clearly is working out there in the market. And this was–the attempt here today was to get a little more granular in how to make it happen.
Peter Vamos: Right. Right.
Matthew Ley: Because all this–.
Peter Vamos: –And it’s important insights because ultimately any show is taking advantage of, you know, tendencies amongst the audience.
Matthew Ley: Um-hmm.
Peter Vamos: And we have–we know audiences are–they have a little more free time.
Matthew Ley: Yep.
Peter Vamos: This is the kind of stuff they won’t necessarily be consuming as they head towards year-end when they’re busy and they’re–.
Matthew Ley: –Right–.
Peter Vamos: –Doing budgets. This is the perfect time to do this thing. It’s a good audience insight and it’s a good strategy around that–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah, and–.
Peter Vamos: –Which is why it works–.
Matthew Ley: –If they’re going invest the time, it’s kind of like, you know, when you listen to this podcast, right, today is about this one strategy. And if you come to it, you’re like, great, but what you do the rest of the year, right, and then you go back and find another one or whatever it is.
Well, what we’re trying to do and most people try and do is they try and get around a topic more holistically with one of the summits.
Peter Vamos: Um-hmm.
Matthew Ley: It’s not five pieces of content that don’t relate to one another. It’s like walk away from the craft of our webinar summit and learn, you know, how to be a moderator, how to create a show format, how to, you know, insert your engagement things, basically walk away from that and be like, okay, I know the craft now. I’m going to make my next webinar awesome because I’m going to employ these 10 things that I saw from start to finish.
And so, it can be a better learning–it’s not just about perceptually they’re getting more. If they spend the time with the content, they’re in the mindset of the craft of webinars. They’re going to get more out of it.
Peter Vamos: Right.
Matthew Ley: They’re going to come away with it as a pretty darn good webinar producer if they invest all that time with us.
Peter Vamos: Right. Excellent. Excellent. Well, good advice for the summer.
Matthew Ley: Yeah.
Peter Vamos: Good advice for the–as we launch into the summer.
Matthew Ley: That’s right.
Peter Vamos: Everyone hopefully, hopefully takes that.
Matthew Ley–.
Matthew Ley: –Yes–.
Peter Vamos: –Thank you so much for these great insights.
Matthew Ley: And thanks for having me on again, the Friday before the long weekend–.
Peter Vamos: –Friday before the long weekend–.
Matthew Ley: –When I would like to be somewhere else.
Peter Vamos: Well, we can go now. We can go have a–.
Matthew Ley: –Yeah–.
Peter Vamos: –Mai Tai.
Matthew Ley: There you go.
Peter Vamos: As usual, this is LFTF. Send us your questions, send us comments, and we’ll see you next time.