Generate A Standard Customer Profile That Can Be Shared Internally

We created the Customer Profile Template to help you develop a fictional user persona that profiles the target customer you need to reach with your product development, communications, and PR efforts.

Our customer profile template is a tool that can help you generate and communicate profiles to key stakeholders, whether in product development or marketing.

Start growing your webinar program today. Here’s how our guide helps you do that:
  • Choose demographic, psychographic, behavioral or environmental profiling criteria.
  • End-user profile.
  • Economic buyer profile.
  • Technical evaluator profile.
  • Use profiles to communicate with your Product Development team.



The Streaming Network is the nation’s leading professional webinar and virtual event provider. Our webinar-based marketing solution is backed by the power of /ELITE a cloud-based platform that features interactive and immersive user interface PLUS industry-leading webinar analytics.

We are so much more than a marketing platform, The Streaming Network employs the nation’s largest team of webinar production and support staff that will ensure your webinar and online events are always successful.


© 2020 - The Streaming Network Webinar Software and Virtual Training Products. A Wish Collaboration company.