The case for webinars

As customers and prospects increasingly self-educate through the buying cycle, webinars have become a primary source of information that buyers turn to before making a purchase decision.

An effective webinar optimizes marketing programs and campaigns accelerating prospects through the buying cycle—from awareness to purchase. As marketers continue to compete for share of voice and share of market they have increasingly looked to integrating a webinar program to help achieve organizational objectives.

Take a look at top level stats compiled in the infographic below that work to make the case for webinars.

The Case For Webinars Infographic

Matthew Ley

Matthew Ley

Matt Ley is the current President and co-founder of The Streaming Network. Starting his career in virtual events in 2007, Matt is an industry veteran that is passionate about helping customers stand out in their industry with compelling virtual events that people want to attend. The driving ambition for Matt is that virtual events are not a utility for information distribution but an opportunity for firms to create a competitive advantage. Matt is an accomplished speaker, moderator and a sought-after thought leader.

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