4 methods to improve your webinar promotion strategy

Webinars can have a great ROI, if you can bring in the viewers. Increasing your viewership starts with increasing your registration rate. Ultimately, that comes down to how you promote your webinar.

Webinar promotion does not stop at a sending out a few emails before your event.

Keep reading for 4 methods to improve your webinar promotion strategy.

The Power of Blog Posts

Blogs are a great way to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) metrics as well as build your brand awareness.

They are great for establishing yourself as a Thought Leader, as well as talking about your product/service in your industry.

You can also leverage blogs to promote your webinar program. Create a compelling story by highlighting the pain points that your target audience experiences. Include visuals like infographics and videos. You are promoting a webinar so incorporating some video marketing is wise. Tease your product or service as the solution to build anticipation. Ask readers to register for your webinar to learn more. Ensure you have a clear call to action (CTA) that takes your readers to the landing or registration page.

After hosting your webinar, turn it into evergreen content and repurpose it into a new blog post. Check out our last podcast as we discuss the importance of repurposing content.

Improving Your Landing Pages

Your landing page should have only 1 clear CTA: to register to your webinar. Adding multiple CTA’s will only confuse your landing page visitor. Include the information that anyone would need to know about your webinar, such as:

  • What the webinar is called?
  • When and where is it happening?
  • Who are the speakers (add a speaker bio)?
  • What’s on the Agenda (What you can expect)?

In addition to promoting with a blog, start using exit-intent popups. A visitor who leaves your website will most likely not return without proper remarketing. An exit popup tracks the movement of a user’s mouse and when it seems like they’re about to leave your page, it will trigger a popup. Incentivize your visitors by letting them know what they’re missing if they don’t sign up for your webinar.

Use tools like Picreel or Optinmonster to help get you started.

One Promotional Email Is Not Enough

Email marketing works, no one is denying that. Also, no one is denying that they get bogged down with hundreds, if not thousands, of emails on a daily basis.

Increasing your open rate rides with a compelling subject line. In our promotional eBook, you can find examples of such subject lines.

We like seeing results – try incorporating a quantifiable result in your subject line. Aim to keep it under 10 words while personalizing it. If you are using an email marketing tool, you can add personalization tags to your subject line.

Don’t just send one email the day before your webinar, create a promotional schedule. Our benchmarks data estimates that almost 23% of registration occurs more than 2 weeks before the webinar event, so be sure to schedule in advance.

Plan a follow-up email for webinar registrants and attendees with a link to your on-demand webinar event.

For the actual email content, personalize the body to address the pain points of your target audience. Include an informative but concise description. Don’t forget to link to the registration page.

Leverage Social Media

Whether you are active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit, etc., you should be promoting your webinar through paid ads.

Go past the standard. Create sponsored posts with video content. After all, you are advertising for a webinar.

If pay-per-click ads are not in your budget as of yet, focus on native posts to your page. Share your promotional blog on your social media page. Create shareable links for your page visitors to raise brand awareness.

Let’s Recap:

Webinar promotion goes past sending out a few emails before your event. It’s an omni-channel approach to raise awareness about your webinar and to increase your registration rate as effectively as possible.

We have outlined 4 methods to accomplish this.

  1. The Power of Blog Posts – Curate promotional blog content that addresses the pain points of your readers. Clearly state that the solution can be found in your upcoming webinar. Repurpose your on-demand webinar as content for a new blog post in the future.
  2. Improve Your Landing Pages – Only have 1 clear CTA: Register Now. Include important details such as the name of your webinar, when and where it’s happening, and what viewers can expect to learn from watching.
  3. 1 Promotional Email is Not Enough – Plan to send out at least 3 emails over a 2-week span leading up to your webinar event.
  4. Leverage Social Media – create paid ads or native posts to promote your webinar to existing and new audiences.

Keeping track of all these webinar promotion strategies can get messy. That’s why we created a promotional calendar to act as a guideline to help keep things organized for you. Click here to download your promotional calendar which will guarantee attendance for your next webinar.

Matthew Ley

Matthew Ley

Matt Ley is the current President and co-founder of The Streaming Network. Starting his career in virtual events in 2007, Matt is an industry veteran that is passionate about helping customers stand out in their industry with compelling virtual events that people want to attend. The driving ambition for Matt is that virtual events are not a utility for information distribution but an opportunity for firms to create a competitive advantage. Matt is an accomplished speaker, moderator and a sought-after thought leader.

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