You plan your content, create your scripts, develop your webinar and set your dates. Now all you need to do is sit back and wait for your desired audience to register and take in the vast knowledge you are about to impart on them.
Except your biggest fear comes true and your numbers are not only down but flat out dismal.
You wouldn’t be alone.
A recent poll conducted by our US partners at saw driving registration was the number one challenge faced by marketers.
What has been your biggest challenge to delivering a successful webinar?
- Driving registration 42.9%
- Providing an engaging webinar experience 30.5%
- Extending the life/value of your webinars 16.2%
- Getting feedback from attendees 10.5%
Results: benchmarks webinar poll
With almost half the challenge to success being drawing an audience to actually speak to, this is a critical step to address when planning your virtual event.
Based on a number of tactics that clients of the Streaming Network have used the most successful has been an effective email. Finding the right time to send a message that is clear, concise and available on all platforms is step one. The most important part of the email however, is going to be your subject line as you truly get just one chance to grab your potential audience’s attention.
Carole Snitzer at provides some helpful tips to drafting an effective subject line.
- The compelling question — Pose a titillating question that your audience can’t help but be curious about: “Is anyone paying attention to your emails?”
- The bottom-line benefit — Tell the reader exactly what they’re going to get: “This email will increase your webinar success”
- The webinar title —If you already have a killer webinar title, get more mileage out of it by using it as your subject line: “WEBINAR: 7 Ways to Enhance your Webinar Promotions”
When drafting the body of your email it is critical to be concise and keep it to two paragraphs. Also ensure to address your subject line. For example if you ask a question in the subject line, address it in the body.
When drafting your email, work in some variations with different subject lines, copy and format. Also keep in mind that both HTML and plain text formats can delivery your message however, ensure that no matter what you finalize on that your emails are mobile friendly. Poll studies have shown that successful marketers send out three emails per virtual event in order to optimize their audience registration.
With the detailed information that you have on your leads and customers in your CRM platform further customization of your messages can be based on their specific needs and where they are in your funnel. The more personalized a message, the higher the open rate.
Getting social is a great way to also promote your upcoming virtual event. Using Twitter, including relevant hashtags and connecting with at mentions are all important ways to get event details out to a wider audience which is already aware of your business, service and brand. The key with social media is to remember that it is not a one hit wonder! Consistent messages at various times and different days will all draw different numbers to your event. Content calendars that are automated can ensure your messages are consistent and easy to manage.
Finally, organizing your promotional period will keep your upcoming event fresh and relevant to potential audience members. Research has shown that 26% of registrations happen via emails sent two weeks before the event. Based on the number of emails that you plan to send out, scheduling is key. If you are sending only one or two the best time is on the day of the event. If you are planning for three then sending the first one two or three weeks before your event will further optimize your registrations.
Remember a clear and catchy message that will reach your desired audience in different ways is the key to ensuring you are not speaking to an empty house come show time!
To read up on even further detailed tips and tools to help optimize registration for your next virtual event download the white paper, “7 Ways to Enhance Your Webinar Promotions.”